Photo of Adriana Giarmana Argentina

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Several years ago I feel that I am pleased to recycling and paint each object that I find in some corner of my house, from furniture to a single vessel. Therefore, in early 2009 I started to paint in the workshop of the artist Silvia Coven Ariza.
Acrylics, spatula, diferntes fillings and types of textures are my favorites at the time of creation.
When I paint I feel that the painting leads me to another...

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Photo of Adriana Giarmana Argentina

Several years ago I feel that I am pleased to recycling and paint each object that I find in some corner of my house, from furniture to a single vessel. Therefore, in early 2009 I started to paint in the workshop of the artist Silvia Coven Ariza.
Acrylics, spatula, diferntes fillings and types of textures are my favorites at the time of creation.
When I paint I feel that the painting leads me to another dimension coming.
I identify with abstract art travez feel that I can express it in the cloth the image of my inner world.
When I start a work technique I use is starting to stain and let me take those spots, at the end of each work can be interpreted freely by itself what the play suggests.
For me, the shop is a lot like a therapy session where the sofa is converted into housing and words into strokes.
I participate in exhibitions and competitions organized by the workshop.
I got several mentions of the jury and have been the recipient of the 1st prize in painting competition Encuentrarte May 2009 edition, with my work LONGING for that reason I love what I do and every day I enjoy most in this world that fills me with satisfaction and challenges.

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